Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My name is Sara Valaitis. I am a sophomore at TCU. I am undecided on my major right now, but I'm leaning towards math. I also want to minor in Spanish. I'm from Southlake, Texas which is about half an hour from Fort Worth. I have lived in Texas all my life. In high school, I was in band, where I played flute, and on the school's drill/dance team, the Emerald Belles. However, I am not involved in band or Showgirls at TCU.

I am taking this course because it is required. During high school, I did not enjoy the writing aspects of my English classes. But last semester I took English 10803 and I enjoyed it more than my past English classes. The topics that we wrote about were more interesting to me, so the papers usually came much easier. During this class, I would of course like to learn how to write even better and about argumentative writing, but I am also looking forward to learning more about the presidential candidates.

Outside of writing for school, most of my writing comes from e-mails and text messages. E-mail is usually the easiest way to get in touch with professors and text messaging is useful when I don't have time to call someone. I feel that I am a good, but I excel more when the topic really interests me. I usually find it hard to start a paper, but I once I get going then I'm fine.

I am not that interested in politics other than when it gets close to the presidential election. Even then I don't know much about what is going on. As of now, I don't know much about the candidates, but I hope to become more informed and interested throughout this course allowing me to make my decision.

My blog argues that I will take the topics and respond to them professionally while still having fun. My background is bright and welcoming in order to invite people to enjoy reading my blogs. Although I may not have much to say about the upcoming election now, I hope that I will learn more during the semester in order to voice my opinions and respect others with an open mind.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.