Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My name is Sara Valaitis. I am a sophomore at TCU. I am undecided on my major right now, but I'm leaning towards math. I also want to minor in Spanish. I'm from Southlake, Texas which is about half an hour from Fort Worth. I have lived in Texas all my life. In high school, I was in band, where I played flute, and on the school's drill/dance team, the Emerald Belles. However, I am not involved in band or Showgirls at TCU.

I am taking this course because it is required. During high school, I did not enjoy the writing aspects of my English classes. But last semester I took English 10803 and I enjoyed it more than my past English classes. The topics that we wrote about were more interesting to me, so the papers usually came much easier. During this class, I would of course like to learn how to write even better and about argumentative writing, but I am also looking forward to learning more about the presidential candidates.

Outside of writing for school, most of my writing comes from e-mails and text messages. E-mail is usually the easiest way to get in touch with professors and text messaging is useful when I don't have time to call someone. I feel that I am a good, but I excel more when the topic really interests me. I usually find it hard to start a paper, but I once I get going then I'm fine.

I am not that interested in politics other than when it gets close to the presidential election. Even then I don't know much about what is going on. As of now, I don't know much about the candidates, but I hope to become more informed and interested throughout this course allowing me to make my decision.

My blog argues that I will take the topics and respond to them professionally while still having fun. My background is bright and welcoming in order to invite people to enjoy reading my blogs. Although I may not have much to say about the upcoming election now, I hope that I will learn more during the semester in order to voice my opinions and respect others with an open mind.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Hi Sara, it was good to meet with you in class today. It seems to be a recurring theme that many people are not too familiar with politics. I would like to say though, that because of the hard work that the women in the early 20th century put in for women's suffrage, we should take full advantage of our right to vote. This being said, I also do not think that we should not investigate into the candidates. I definitely do not know much about either candidate except on one or two issues, and their stances do not help me in choosing who I will vote for. I am excited to be able to learn more about it in this class so that I can become a more informed American.