Sunday, September 21, 2008

Argument of Definition, Audience and Venue for Op-Ed

My example of an argument of definition is an article named "College admissions officers peering at Facebook pages." This article discusses how many admissions offices at colleges are now looking at applicant's Facebook and Myspace pages in order to find out more about the applicants. Some colleges have even rejected people based on something found on their Facebook or Myspace. Some people are wondering if this is an ethical way to accept or reject students. Some think that it violates a right to privacy while others see that anything on the Internet is fair game and available for their use.

For my op-ed, I have chosen the venue of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I chose this because I want to reach middle Americans who are more conservative and support the choice of Sarah Palin as John McCain's vice president.

1 comment:

Justin S. said...

I think that you should never put anything on the internet you would like to keep private. If it is objectionable to a college one you shouldnt be doing it and two you shouldnt put it for others to see that is just common sense