My argument that uses humor is a cartoon. Since my topic is gender, I decided focus in on how people question if Sarah Palin can handle raising 5 kids and possibly being the vice president. I show how women are usually better at handling and organizing many different situations at once by multi-tasking, whereas men usually need to focus on one thing at a time. I use humor to point out a flaw in other people's arguments about Palin. My argument is simple by focusing on one aspect of my topic and timely because people are questioning this right now.
I thought this was the best comic of the day. The viewpoint of the argument is perfect, It stereotypes both male and females. Most importantly the argument is clear and effective. It stands for itself. Great job.
Your humorous argument (the cartoon) does a great job of using parallel ideas to make a point. Your cartoon is very effective in that it proves women are very capable. The only objection I would make is that, just because women can multi-task, it doesn't make them effective politicians. In your goal is to show that Sarah Palin is more than qualified for VP, you may want to restructure the cartoon so that it is more political.
Great job overall.
Wow I love your Humorous argument! You did an excellent job and your point was clear and perfectly suited with your subject. The only suggestion I would make is to make the lady look like Sarah Palin to show that women can also be politicians. Then you can add 'state governor' and 'VP candidate' to the list. Great job.
Your humorous argument was extremely well done. It made me laugh, and it was well drawn. You may want to make the man Obama or Biden if you wanted to gear it more toward politics, if not then I'd say it's fine. The one thing I might be worried about is it is just a gender argument and not so much about politics. Otherwise I love it!
Sara, very very well done. I knew that your idea to do multi-tasking would work to be very funny, and extremely thought-provoking. I have absolutely no suggestions, your ability to create a clear point is second-to-none.
Clear point, excellent drawing and most important it was funny. It was clear that it was Sarah Palin without plainly stating it so good job on that. I wish i could tell you what to change but i really can't think of anything to change.
I really enjoyed your comic. Your drawings were clear and well done as well as your argument. I think that topic is funny in itself but your comic really put a twist on it and I think had more people think more about it! Nicely done.
You are a great atrist, that was very cool to see. I think that plus your argument really got its point across and that is the goal. It looked great and made sense, so way to go!
Your cartoon does a great job to show your point and allows the reader to see two different scenes at once, which is good in allowing us to compare and contrast the two different points you are making. The only thing I felt that was unclear was relating this to actualy politicians. How does your cartoon relate to Palin's ability to be a good vice President? Just because she can do several household projects at once does not necessarily relate to her ability to run a country.
I could tell what you were trying to prove, but I thought it was a tiny bit backwards in proving what women are capable of. Women are stereotyped as homemakers that take care of babies all day - maybe you could be more specific and include some things that women do that are "political" on your list? You're a great artist! And the man snoring was really funny.
I think you did a good job at making your point that women are better at multitasking. One thing I would change would be to make it more about how she is better qualified for the vice presidency.
This was effective argument, and relative to all. I think my mom would love it as much as my little brother, great work. I would have thought that it would have been better if the man was sitting in chair watching football. Great work on the drawing as well.
It was a very good point and it was very effective. Its very good and it actually made me laugh. It was very good art! The only thing I can say is that you may not know that it pertains to the election without you're background information. Good job!
Even though im a guy, I still thought this was a pretty good cartoon. Your good at drawing and made it pretty. Funny stuff and good job.
Very funny, great artwork and i love the point. i would just maybe gear it toward the election or other politicans a bit more.
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