Wednesday, November 19, 2008

John McCain's Concession Speech

I think that John McCain's concession speech was effective in how he did not dwell on the campaign and the election, but looked forward to the future for America. McCain spends a lot of time at the beginning of his speech congratulating Obama and talking about what a historic and important event his election to president is for America. He encourages Republicans to put aside their differences with Democrats in order to make America a better place. His main focus of the speech is about his love for the country and how he wants to see it become an even better country than it is now. McCain uses a lot of pathos throughout his speech, not only talking about his love for the country, but also about the families of all the candidates and the great feeling that the African-American community must have because of Obama's election. He encourages everyone to put the country first, just like he said throughout his campaign, and support Obama in his presidency. I think one of the most effective parts of the speech is at the very end where he states "Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history. We make history." These four short sentences are effective in their ability to get his point across without being wordy. They are short and to the point and easy to remember. They also add to McCain's ideas of putting the country first and how great America is.


Michelle J. said...

I also really like McCain's speech, and I think it was really well put together and spoken. I liked the way he did not dwell on the past, but that throughout the entire speech, he talks about moving forward and making America a better and even greater country. I really think this speech is an example of his true character. I think his consistent use of pathos in the speech enhanced the quality and really touched the hearts of Americans; I don't think any of the other rhetorical appeals would have done the trick. Finally, I also agree with your opinions on his ending statement. I think the statement is very powerful and something that Americans will remember.

Xander said...
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Lindsay B said...

I agree with you. McCain's speech strongly points out the unity of the two parties and how we are all Americans. This idea of patriotism is important, especially since his audience 'boos' when he mentions Obama. McCain was very respectable and gracious.

Xander said...

McCain has more than proven himself throughout this past election that he wants nothing but the best for the United States. The rumors and false claims about him should be put aside from the words that he spoke in his concession speech. Like Obama, I am sure that he will continue to do great things for our nation.

Noelle said...

I really liked McCain's speech, and I agree with all that you had to say. I like how he did continue with the theme of his campaign in "putting America first." I think that helps to establish his ethos even more. He did an excellent job in really appealing to the entire audience (television and physd claiming what a country together and claiming what a monumental event this election was.